Singer, composer, researcher, visual artist and producer, nominated for the 2018 Brazilian Music Awards as Best Singer (regional) and POC Awards 2022.
Visiting researcher at New York University Tisch School of the Arts and postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies at USP. Graduated in Economics (USP) and Social Sciences (PUC-SP), he has a Master's degree in Environmental Sociology (Unicamp) and a PhD in Social Sciences from Unicamp.
He has two albums, singles, video clips, scientific articles and books released on art, ecology, culture and regeneration of urban rivers.
Theater and dance artist, researcher and cultural producer.
He is a PhD student in Theater and a participant in the Metaverso Research and Innovation Laboratory at the University of São Paulo.
Master in Arts from the State University of Campinas and specialist in Contemporary Cultural Management from Itaú Cultural. Member of the Patuanu Dance Research group of the Actor's Staff, coordinated by Carlos Simioni (Lume Teatro).
Since 2015, he has led the Performing Arts Present Practices Program.